It’s October 2024 today at the time of writing this blog.
CLAT 2025 is approaching & as per the latest notification it would take place within 2 months.
You have around 60 days left for the exam and believe me, that’s more than enough to get a good rank if you were bit consistent for a year. And even if you were not, no need to worry, I have many friends who cracked this examination with less than 45 days of preparation.
So what should you do in these 35 days? Here are 5 suggestions for CLAT 2025 from my side.
5 Suggestions for CLAT 2025
Before proceeding with the suggestion, I’d strongly recommend attempting 1-2 mocks per day, preferably between 2 to 4 PM because that is the time when CLAT takes place. This way you’d get used to giving test between 2 to 4 PM and not feel asleep while taking actual CLAT. Trust me, it actually works.
Moving on, let’s get directly onto the suggestions.
General Knowledge
CLAT 2020 bombed a lot of questions on Current affairs. So I suggest revising 8-10 months of current affairs in the days you have.
How to go about it? If you have monthly GK compendium from your coaching institute, then revise those, ATLEAST twice.
The goal must be completing 1 month compendium in a day, that means 12 months in 12 days.
And then 12 days more to revise the same. So you’ll be all set to tackle one year worth of current affairs in a matter of 24 days.
In case you don’t have any GK compendiums with you, then download Vision IAS Monthly current affairs PDF.
They have the best current affairs compendium I have come across. This is the link.

Vision IAS Current Affairs Monthly PDF
I suggest two things here. First, revising the words you have noted down during your preparation phase. And Second, improving your passage solving speed.
Let’s elaborate the first one.
So my preparation in English was top notch. I had filled 3 notebook with every new word I came across during my preparation.
Yet I committed silly mistakes in CLAT 2017 in vocab section as I didn’t revise those words. So learn from my mistake and revise all the words you’ve noted down during your prep.
Now for second suggestion, in order to increase your passage solving speed I suggest READING the question before reading the passage.
This would help you in focusing on the things that are essential and you’d not waste time on irrelevant things.
For example, this question is about NEP & its aims. So if you read the question first then you’ll make sure whenever anything around “aims of NEP” comes, you’ll pay better attention to it.

NEP Passage Question
Logical Reasoning
The best thing you can do right now, is practicing a lot of question. For example, I was sort of weak in Syllogism section.
So I practised 100s of question and that helped me score good in the exam. In fact, reasoning was the highest scoring section for me.
Numerical Ability/DI
You can follow this quote “It’s better to solve 10000 questions x 4 times, than 20000 questions x 1 time”.
This would help you in two ways. First, increasing speed in solving questions and second, developing a muscle memory, which in turn would increase your speed.
I scored 10/10 in AILET that too in less than 10 minutes because I had developed muscle memory in solving those type of questions.
So yes, practice the same questions again and again. That’s all
And last, Legal reasoning
Here you can save time in solving questions by reading the questions before reading the passage.
I already mentioned this method for English section. But you should follow it everywhere.
Two more suggestions here
Read all the options in legal reasoning even if the first option you read seems right. This is because in legal reasoning, there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG answer, instead we have to choose the MOST RIGHT/ACCURATE option amongst the four. So yes, read all the options before selecting the best option.
Make sure you read the coaching materials on Law of Torts, Contracts and all, so that you don’t have to read Long paragraphs such as illustrated below. So if you already knew what Polluter pays principle was, you would save time by not reading this long para.

CLAT Legal Reasoning Question
So this is all from my side. I hope these 5 suggestions for CLAT 2025 help you. Make sure you work hard in these remaining days.
You’ll thank yourself after getting into a good college. Also, if you wish to watch a video on CLAT 2025 last month suggestion, watch my YouTube video here.
All the best!
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