I hope the articles on my website are helping you to some extent. In this article, I will share my CV.
But what is my motive for doing so? Well, here are some-
It will help you get an idea of what an 'ideal' resume looks like. I personally had never seen a senior's CV in my law school till the 2nd-3rd year. And as I was late in seeing an ideal CV, I got late in working on my CV too.
If you are in a less-known college, or even a new NLU, there are high chances you won't have any senior who could show their CV. Hence uploading here.
In my CV, you will see that I have published articles at different places such as LiveLaw, NLU Kolkata International Law blog, etc. It will give you motivation and help you in gaining new perspective.
Don't be Scared
I know seeing so many things in my CV might scare you. But don't.
All the internships and publications were done over the course of 4-5 years and not in a single day, so take your time.
Personally speaking, I did not have even a single research article published till 4th year of my law school. I did not even know how to write an article. But in my 4th year I did some experiments and it helped me in publishing 1 article within a month.

Mail by Livelaw.in - They informed me about the acceptance of my article - Happy Moment
Then a few months later, another article of mine was published on NLU Kolkata's International Law Blog. In my eBook, I have written a detailed chapter on what exactly I did to write and publish research articles. It is explained in a very practical, no-nonsense way, and I am damn sure it will help you from day 1 itself.
Focus on Your Marks
One important suggestion I want to give is - 'Score good marks in your law school'. It will help you in getting good internships. I personally did not score good marks in my initial semesters, this is why I had to work hard on other things such as Moot, research articles. While I don't regret doing these as they made me more knowledgable, I believe having good marks would've made the journey easier.
Check the Free Chapter Attached in this Blog post
Along with my CV, I have also attached a chapter of my eBook where I discuss 'How I went from scoring 50% in Sem 1 to 70% in Sem 4'. So you can download both my CV and book chapter.
There are 12 other chapters in my eBook too -
How is it like Working as a Lawyer for a Company- Salaries, Type of Work and More
3 Reasons Why You Should do CS with Law
Detailed 5-Year Internship Plan - Plan from 1st Sem to 10th Sem
5 Tips for Performing Good in Internship - How I Secured a Job Offer Through My Internship
2 Secret Ways to Get In-house Internships
5 Practical No-nonsense tips on How to Write Research Articles
How to Send Mails that Get You Internship Anywhere
NLU v. Non-NLU - What Firms Actually Want
Do these 5 things to Ace in Moot Court Competitions
Why You Should Learn Playing a Musical Instrument - 5 Tips to Live a Memorable College Life
And finally, How to Remove the Tag of 'Shy Person' and Become Confident Socially - Story of My Own Experiments
You can checkout the eBook by clicking here.
Hope it helps!
Sir, your blogs are really insightful and helpful
Itk it will definitely helpful
Got a good look about how things should be, Thanks!
Great broo