Hi, I’m Harshil Vijayvargiya. I appeared for CLAT 2017 & cracked it with AIR 501.
Having devoted 2 years for this exam (11th & 12th grade), I can suggest you what you should do, and most importantly, what you SHOULDN’T do.
One Suggestion– READ THE BLOG VERY SLOWLY. Understand the reasons I give behind every point and book I suggest.
So now, let’s start with Best books for CLAT 2026.
Best Books for CLAT 2026
1. Maths
I was pretty bad at this subject; I even failed in 10th pre-boards and opted for non-math subjects in my +2. Just as other math-phobic students, I even wanted to leave this section in CLAT altogether and focus on the other 4.
But thankfully, I became quite good in Math by the end of my 12th grade. Went to the extent of solving GMAT questions for testing my capabilities. And I owe my success to this book – ‘Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma‘.

A few things I like about this book are-
It covers every topic relevant for CLAT, ranging from ratio and proportion to basic algebra, mensuration and statistical estimation. Overall you’ll get 45 chapters on different topics.
The question difficulty level has been segregated from Easy to Hard to Advanced level. And be assured, the difficulty level in CLAT wouldn’t be more than the toughest questions of the book.
The book is thick, but not that thick that you would struggle to complete it. In fact I had revised it two times within 1 year.
It helped me get a decent score in CLAT and 10/10 in AILET. Though I regret not revising it 3-4 times, otherwise I’d got more marks in CLAT too.
You can check the book by visiting this link. I’ve put the original link here as there are many fake copies in the market!
Book for DI Section CLAT
Now the DI section needs a separate book too. Solving CAT-level questions is not needed according to me. I’ll suggest this one as it is reasonably priced and relevant for CLAT syllabus.

You can download the 'Adda 247' DI book. You will get its PDF online.
P.S. – I referred to online YouTube channels for solving my math related queries as I didn’t join any coaching.
2. Logical Reasoning
The official website states the syllabus include the following sections:

So it appears a large emphasis is on ‘critical reasoning’ by CLAT. And it is safe to say the best book on critical reasoning is hands down Analytical reasoning by MK Pandey.

I completed this book within 2 months and then revised it almost 3 times. By the time I appeared for CLAT I was well prepared for any syllogism, Inference reasoning based question or any analytical reasoning question they could throw at me. My score in Logical reasoning section was around 32/40 and two books were responsible for this achievement. This is the first book and you can have a look by visiting this link.
Apart from MK Pandey, I’ll suggest solving GMAT critical reasoning questions too as CLAT LR section has become more like GMAT LR section.

You can download this book from the internet. Additionally, my course will have detailed lectures on 'Critical Reasoning'. We will understand all the concepts of critical reasoning such as Assumption, Conclusion, Logical fallacies, among others.
We would even solve questions in the recorded lectures as well as in the weekly live session. You can check out my course here- it is the most affordable in the CLAT industry!

Here's the link to the course.
3. General Knowledge
Now my suggestions regarding GK might be a little overboard, but if I appear for CLAT 2026 or 2027 I’d do exactly what I’m going to mention. Especially after seeing the passage based questions that are being put up nowadays.
So these 3 things would be part of my GK strategy.
a. Vision IAS Daily (for current affairs)
Let me explain why I think you should rely on such heavy sources. First, let’s see this passage from GK section of past CLAT papers.

Now, let’s have a look over the question following this passage.

It’s safe to say, the question couldn’t be solved relying solely on the passage. You need prior knowledge for answering such questions. Gone are the day when simple mugging of one liner facts could help you crack CLAT, now you have to wholly understand the concept at hand.
This is where the Vision IAS Daily current affair PDF would help. Vision IAS releases 1 PDF for every day, where they take questions from The Hindu, Indian Express, PIB, PRS & so on.
The PDF is only 2-pages long and would provide you comprehensive information about the topic you study. For example the National Education Policy and so on. Below you can see the way they publish daily current affairs PDF.

Also let’s click on the 28th April PDF.

As you can see, they’ve discussed the Global Immunization Agenda in detail. Now ask yourself, if you study from here and probably make notes everyday, wouldn’t you be able to tackle any question on this topic the CLAT committee throws at you?
So my first suggestion ends here, read Vision IAS daily current affairs PDF. You’d be all set to solve CLAT GK CA questions. You are free to refer any other source if the VISION IAS appears cumbersome, but make sure it is as comprehensive as the above mentioned. Now let’s talk about Static GK.
b. Static GK
The idea behind static GK for CLAT is completing the basics about our country and the world. For example where that national park is, who built that temple and so on.
Any book that helps you in completing these basics would suffice. I’ll tell you what I bought. So I had bought this Pearson GK book in 2016. Amazon has its 2025 version available now. I had decent experience studying from it.

There’s another book by Lucent, which is much cheaper than the above-mentioned one. I haven’t ever read this Lucent book, but I believe it must be good too.

And honestly I don’t think there would be much difference between any two Static GK books, so you could go for anyone of them. Though I have used Pearson, and as I already mentioned, it did it’s job as intended.
You can check the Pearson book from here and Lucent one from here.
c. Make your own NOTES
Now, this is the most important part. Yes, you should make current GK notes from Vision IAS for sure, but apart from that have a notebook where you write every new fact you come across. For example, if you just came to know about Spanish Flu, then write down its details on your notebook.
This is because GK section includes every thing under the sun, so the more you know about the world, the better.
I had exhausted 3 notebooks full of random GK facts. And in fact CLAT 2017 had 5+ questions that could be answered on the basis of my notes. So, if you have 1-2 year before attempting CLAT/AILET, make sure you follow this point.
4. English Language
I’ll divide this section into several sub-parts as per recent CLAT question paper.
a. Vocabulary
As you can see from the question paper, good vocabulary would directly help you fetch +1 marks.

What shall you do here? Shall you buy Word Power Made Easy as everyone suggests? Well, I had bought it but never completed more than 20 pages.
So, I’ll suggest making a Vocabulary notebook where you could put every new word you come across. I started doing it in my 12th grade and exhausted 2 and half notebooks full of different words from the language along with their meaning.
Believe me, from all the mocks, the newspaper reading and random sources you’ll come across so many words that you’ll not need WPME. Though remember, writing down words won’t help unless you revise them again and again. This is the mistake I did leading me to lose 2 marks in CLAT 2017 as I didn’t revise (I’ll write a separate blog on Mistakes I did while preparing for CLAT)
So, summarizing the point, MAKE a notebook for vocabulary and put in it every new word you come across. Make sure you download English dictionary on your phone and see different meaning of the word, as a single word may have different meanings (The word ‘Suggestive’ has different meaning depending on its context).
b. Reading Comprehension
CLAT is a passage based exam now. It makes sense to read The Hindu as it’d prepare you for reading those big passages that come in exam. But what if you haven’t read any English newspaper till now (I hadn’t even seen any English newspaper till 11th grade).
Here, I’ll suggest starting slow. On the first day, read only 1 editorial (no need of reading the whole newspaper). No matter how confident you feel in reading the 2nd editorial, DON’T READ more than 1. Now, take a notebook (refer point 1) and write every single NEW word you came across along with its meaning.
Continue this 1 editorial-a-day habit for 7 days, and then start reading 2 editorials a day for the next 7 days. Now slowly keep raising the number of pages till you cover the all the editorial that are there. The Key here is being consistent to form a HABIT.
So how would this benefit you?
1. Your passage reading skills would become better, 2. Better vocabulary, 3. The editorial are generally written on current legal, policies topics, so you’ll prepare your GK section alongside too, 4. As the CLAT puts newspaper editorials in actual paper, you might be lucky enough to see the one you already read. And there are high chances the passages put up in legal section would be taken from The Hindu.
You can also buy this book for solving GMAT level comprehensions just for the practise and getting used to reading big passages. In the first few days, it might seem tough, but slowly you’ll get used to it.

Check this book here.
If GMAT level is bit too much, then you can refer this book for MBA prep. It doesn't have too difficult passages and it might be helpful for you.

Link of this book - check here.
As stated, my course covers English section in detailed way. I had read multiple books in my own CLAT journey, and then in CLAT mentorship journey. So I have combined all the learnings in my course. You can check out the course here.

I cover 3 section - Law, English and Critical Reasoniing, in-depth in my course!
5. Legal
Here also I’ll divide the sections into some sub-parts.
a. Basic Legal Knowledge & Concepts
Read the below-mentioned question.

There are concepts such as ‘Strict liability’, ‘Defamation’, ‘Force Majeure’ present throughout the legal section. While the definition and all have been provided, your brain wouldn’t be able to make much sense in the limited time you get in the examination hall.
This is why I suggest buying Legal aptitude material of any coaching institution for learning the basics of Indian Contract Act, Constitution, Law of torts, and so on.
If you don’t get any material, you can buy this book as it has discussed all the concepts such as Law of Torts, Defamation, Strict Liability and others.

All the relevant topics are discussed in this book
So you may consider buying it from Amazon.

b. Legal GK & Happenings
I had downloaded Livelaw app from Google Play to keep myself from a legal point of view. It is the most reliable legal website in India. Take out 5-10 minutes every day to see the updates and you’re good to go when it comes to Legal GK.
The Hindu, Vision IAS Daily GK PDF would cover other facets of legal GK so you don’t need to be concerned here.
So overall, 1. Read the basic laws such as Law of Contract, Torts and so on. 2. Visit Livelaw, and read The Hindu, Vision IAS for Legal GK updates.
In my course, I teach Legal section in the most unique way. You can watch the demo lecture too.
Conclusion: Best Books for CLAT 2026
Finally I’ve reached the end of this article. It took me more than a week to complete this piece. I hope it helps you and if I get good response on this blog, I’ll write more on Best Coaching for CLAT, CLAT mock test and so on.
At last, if you are preparing for CLAT 2026 OR 2027, you can check out my CLAT course.
This course contains all you require in 3 subjects - English, Critical Reasoning & Law.
We have practice sessions every week, where my team of experts solve questions in all 5 subjects with you!
We got great results in our first ever batch for CLAT 2025 - AIR 641, AIR 678, AIR 701.
I suggest checking out the course here - https://learn.whysolegal.com/

If you have any more questions/need elaboration on any point, reach out to me on Instagram, LinkedIn or any other place (details in the ‘About section’)
Thank you!
Join AKS IAS CLAT Online Coaching for live classes, personalized mentoring, and mock tests to help you excel in your law entrance exam.
You explained it very well.