It feels like yesterday when I went to GNLU for admission with my parents after cracking CLAT.
It is 12:12 AM right now. I have stayed 14 months at my home at the time of writing this blog because of the COVID crisis.
Ever since I started my YouTube channel, my inbox sees at least 1 request per week from CLAT aspirant asking me about my journey in Law School. So here I’m writing specially for you.
As I’ve completed almost 4 years at GNLU. Here are 5 tips for law students from MY side:
1. Join different committees
I have always been a shy person with weird social skills. You know the type of people who can’t speak to even the shopkeepers? Yes, I was one of them. So my main aim of joining a good university wasn’t placements or anything like that (though I have been placed in a MNC as a associate legal manager). It was solely to become a better version of myself. A version my 8 year old self would be proud of.
And fortunately, GNLU amply provided me this opportunity of transformation. Joining committees in GNLU has done wonders for me. How? Well you know people from your University, from seniors to juniors after joining such committees, otherwise you remain just a random guy/girl whom nobody knows.

Seniors Juniors enjoying together during Annual Cultural Fest
Pic Courtesy- GNLU Digital Media
Just remember you are coming to a residential university, with 1000s people of your age living in the same campus. No matter where you go, you won’t get this environment, ever. So make sure you utilize the time in the best way possible!
2. Get into freelancing world
So one incident took place that inclined me towards earning money from my 1st year itself.
For knowing this incident, we’d have to go 4 years back.

While going to GNLU for my admission. 27 June, 2017
So after getting GNLU in 4th list, I went to the university for completing my admission formalities on 28th June, 2017. We reached there on 27 June and stayed in University itself on 27th night.
While I was sleeping in GNLU guest house, waiting for the next day, I received a text from a to-be batchmate that we had to pay Rs.22,000 more as ‘Language classes fee’.
Mind you, we had already paid Rs. 2,13,000 as first year fees. It was difficult for my family to arrange even admission fee and suddenly they dropped this heavy bomb on us. I was just looking at my father and wondering how would I tell him this thing. I knew he had only Rs. 4,000 or so in his bank account at that time.
I told him the next morning and he asked me to not worry. Anyhow he paid the language fee without displaying any bit of concern on his face. That was the time I made up my mind that I’ll not wait 5 years before I start earning.
The quantum of money I’ve earned till date isn’t huge, though it is more than enough for the needs and wants of a student. Also my main goal to join university was developing my personality as I just mentioned earlier, so it wouldn’t have made much sense if I buried my head in PC working for clients instead of using the opportunities the university provided.
Overall, earning Rs.10–12,000 a month isn’t difficult. Having money in your pocket will give you unmatched freedom. You won’t be desperate for a law firm job (as you have already seen money) and have a risk capacity to try something new as well.
I rented Pulsar 200, and went to different tourist places near by university. I even explored native food. All this was possible because I had money in my pocket.
Wondering how you could start earning money too? I’ve made a detailed video on YouTube, with the most actionable details. You can watch it by clicking here. I bet no one has uploaded anything detailed like that.
3. Past year papers & class notes
My first sem score was 52% and I had failed in Legal Methods. This was because I relied solely on the slides sent by Professor which were choppy to say the least.
Next sem I took class notes from my friend and my score went up to 60%, in 3rd sem it was 65 and in 4th, 69%. All this was only possible because of class notes and past year papers.
These provide the sure shot way to get into top 10% of the class, and secure good internships/job.
I believe a law student should go the library and read those big books & commentaries. They are good for your knowledge. Yet if you aren’t able to do so, reading PYQs and class notes for at least getting good marks is suggested.
But how do you get notes? Is sourcing notes easy? NO!
Here, those students succeed in getting good quality notes who have good connections with other batchmates. And connections form only when you are VALUABLE to others.
What does that mean? Well suppose you got hold of Batch toppers’ notes. Now don’t hoard them with yourself, instead circulate them among your peers. They would in turn deem you as a valuable person and send good notes to you too whenever they come across any.
Collective efforts provide the best notes. Hoarding wouldn’t help anyone.
4. Moot Court/Client Counseling
At GNLU, you have to compulsorily moot in 1st Sem, barely 1 month after you join.
I messed up pretty bad in my first attempt, got 115th rank out of 180 people. Made up my mind to participate only in 3rd year. Till then I’ll work on my speaking and researching skills.
Fast forward to my 3rd year, September 2019. This time my oral rounds went good and I didn’t commit any mistake I did last time. I was qualified for Amity University Moot and learned a lot about drafting, researching, and team work while preparing for the Amity University competition.
Overall, mooting and client counselling (you’d know what latter means after joining law school) are the only activities that give you a glimpse of the life ahead for a career in law. You’ll learn teamwork, researching skills and get to explore different universities worldwide (through competitions).

GNLU International Moot Court Competition
Pic Courtesy- GDM
The best part is, your expenses get reimbursed if you win any moot. Imagine going to Oxford university, winning a moot and realizing your university paid for your flight ticket.
My friends went to Vienna and described the fun they had in Gala Dinner, where they danced with teams that came from the whole world. They interacted with teams from Australia, USA & so on. It was fun!
5. Use LinkedIn
This platform made me aware of what others are doing professionally.
I started using LinkedIn in my 3rd year and in that year, I published 4 research article, interned at 4 different places and did several other things too. All because I saw my connections doing the same.
Don’t think twice before opening an account, trust me you’d be a better person if you don’t get jealous and instead learn from people’s success. Remember you are an average of 5 people you live/follow. So if people around you start succeeding, get prepared for your success too.
So this is all from my side. I hope this blog post on Things to do after joining Law school helps you in your journey. I have also made a video on this topic. You can check it out here.
Thank you & All the best!